21 de July de 2022 soporte@planealia.com

Winning the contract for the construction works of 261 lofts in LAS TERRAZAS DEL MARQUESADO (MADRID)

Lofts with garden areas, swimming pool, coworking zone, and fitness hall in Villaverde (Madrid)

noticia viviendas en villaverde madrid terrazas marquesado

07/21/2022 – Lofts LAS TERRAZAS DEL MARQUESADO (Madrid)

Altamira doValue Group has granted Gomendio Constructores the construction development of “Las Terrazas del Marquesado” in Villaverde district, Madrid. . It is a 261-loft building with 1 or 2 rooms, garden areas, swimming pool and solarium, coworking zone, and fitness room.